
The hardest part of exams: not being able to write legible '{}' symbols

  • 8
    my dad was a programmer in the 80ties, he said he couldent live without his programmer template.
    It's oldschool but maybe you get one too?
  • 3
    @heyheni wow I want it haha
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    Does this even solve the issue?
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    @Cyanite the template has brackets you can draw?

    (not this one in the picture but there are some who have them)
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  • 3
    @Cyanite yeah I stared at it for a while looking for my beloved brackets but didn't see it haha.
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    sorry i've should have googled harder. 🤗
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    @heyheni at least I know they exist haha.
  • 4
    This is very relatable 😐 I generally end up with weird question mark shapes mostly...
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    @Jamoyjamie mine look like ugly threes haha
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    For me it usually ends up looking like a Z, そ, a musical quarter rest, or a ζ
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    @nIRtric haha yes. I love the last one
  • 2
    Just draw a [ , practice that a couple times, then once you have it prettymuch in order, half way down, stop your stroke, and draw a < sticking off of it. Basically just a tiny movement left, then back in. Then continue down through the rest of it. It doesn't need to look like the perfectly curved version some fonts have, that way should be clear enough for any marker. Best of luck.
  • 3
    If you use a template to draw brackets every time, you will definately complete your paper in time.

    Said no one ever.
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