Is there anywhere to start with cracking/hacking? I don't have friends because the "friends" always want to feel superior towards me and I just wanna shove some shit up their asses.

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    Start with Mitnick books The Art of Deception and The Art of Invisibility
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    @QCat ok thanks!
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    If you want to start low level hacking i recommend "the art of exploitation". Even though it's older it covers the basics well.
    If you want something easier you should start with a kali linux installation and get to know its tools (nmap, wireshark, ettercap, sslstrip, set, metasploit etc.). All of this is more focused on networks (especially wifi) and web applications, but those are the most vulnerable things out there.

    If you want to test your skills you can download the metasploitable-image and run it in a vm.
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    @YouAreAPIRate ok sure! Thanks so much for writing a lot! I'll read through it
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    @fun2code thanks man, idk where to begin lol big list tho, this is great actually lol
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    @fun2code got any results?
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    @fun2code o shoot, Im using windows 8 atm. I cant install linux because of reasons (parents, projects etc). Is there a alternative?
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    @fun2code ok I'll try that
  • 3
    If you want to practice on actual machinr there are "labs" all over thr internet. But i have used vulnhub.com quite a bit to download vms that are designed to teach you specific concepts (like sql injection, or simple stack buffer overflows). I also would recommend ctftime (cant remember if its .org or .com) and read writeups from teams or do practice ctf challenges.
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    @octothorpe ok thanks man, will check on that!
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    A couple of my favorite practice sites are overthewire.org and microcorruption.com

    [EDIT] *Practice sites i used when i first got into security
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    Hack this box I think is a site to provide a lab to hack legally.
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