Does anyone else love their job? I never thought I would say this but I love Mondays and the work I do in general. I just wish I had more hours in the day.

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    You can always work overtime for free.
    That's your right.
    Nobody can stop you doing that
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    I'm guessing... sarcasm rite?
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    I don't wish for more hours but I love my job and people there
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    I hope that for saying something like that, you've been there for some time, and not just starting...
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    @thevariableman actually, no!
    @stereo @sunfishcc I started this company myself around 6 years ago so I already do plenty of overtime! Over the last year it's got to the point where everything's fallen in to place and it's doing well - feels great!
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    @CodeKill Now I got the full picture. Good job dude. You're on your way of winning then. Started my own company a year ago, so I know exactly what you mean. Keep it up, wish you the best.
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    @CodeKill there's a clear difference between work for someone else and for yourself.
    I can see why you love the job.
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    @stereo thanks man. It's taken a while to get established by I feel like the hard work is paying off now. @sunfishcc for sure, I think I would have a hard time going back to working for a company. Always had a problem with authority figures, mainly because my bosses didn't know dick about technology and passed my ideas off as their own.
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    @CodeKill hope I could start my own business one day. 😳
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    @sunfishcc good luck. My advice to you to always go with your gut feeling. I've sometimes taken the advice of others over my own best judgement and I kicked myself for it afterwards.
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    @CodeKill I feel I need more experience for now.
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    I don't know if I love my job , I do know I miss it like crazy when I'm on long vacation
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