
Religion is ruined by people.
God's bugs are our mistakes, the platypi, and turtle penises.
Nature is so much better without us, I enjoy programming but the users are polluting, wasteful, selfish useless beings removing resources from the Earth.

Sometimes I want to become a hacker and ruin rich people's lives.

  • 0
    @SVTJASE I program machines that automate people's jobs. I replace educated workers with a machine that is guaranteed to require repairs. My repentance is to take away people's livelihoods.
  • 3
    @Alice beautiful features, mistakes are some of our most honest moments
  • 1
    Platypi is not the plural of platypus. I don't remember the specifics, but I believe, like hippopotamus, it comes down to the root word being Greek, or Latin, and it was the one that doesn't take I for us in pluralize form.
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    One comment: WTF?
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    Why rich people? Do you think that there is a direct corelation in being rich and beinga bad person?
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    @Kulijana I don't want to get all preachy but most insanely rich people in the world are veryyy dubious. It's either a matter of "inheritance", luck/opportunity (which is fake, it's just a matter of information, using people to X objective, somehow we think we should all be free but eventually we're never free, there's always stuff to buy, things to do, customers to serve, money to make...we're very much not free at all, it's all an Intricate web of money made to money spent that ends when you die, unless you take yourself out of the equation but then you're weird.
  • 2
    Hey! I'm a turtle. My penis is just dandy, thank you very much.
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    Someone needs a nap.
  • 1
    Do you mean "Religion is created by people"?
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    @Arro You are correct!
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