Ok, do you sometimes feel like you get treated as search engine? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

My coworker from my previous workplace is messaging me to suggest about good tutorial about a framework that I'm not familiar about.

"Dude, have you heard about Google?"

  • 0
    i can relate
  • 5
    LMGTFY links are the best passive aggressive way to politely tell someone to fuck off and Google it yourself.

    I use them at work with a funny joke so co-workers know I'm not actually annoyed but at the same time also learn don't bother me with questions like this again.

    I will check that "explain the internet" box too.
  • 0
    Just give them a suggestion "Did you meaannn... .... *long pause* 'sorry I'm wasting your life with simple questions that google can answer in 3 seconds?'"

    or... "Did you meaan to search: 'How to use google?'"

    yeah, sorry if someone made this joke already in this thread.
  • 2
    No you're not alone.

    People will ask me something and I'll make a point to throw it I'm google directly in front of their face.

    They continue asking me -_-
  • 0
    @mszaf you know, the thing is, most people just don't still quite understand how to type the right search query to get the right information, i'm not talking about using -"term" or whatever, they just lack a simple understanding of the process, so they can't some up with the perfect query to find the info they want quickly. Otherwise, they wouldn't ask you.
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