
I think one of the most amazing things about being a developer is seeing the abstractions that have come about over time. From having to program in machine code and assembly, to now with languages like Java, where a lot of the boilerplate code is effectively abstracted out by frameworks.

  • 2
    Welcome to devRant. Machine code - nice! Yes, it has been quite a ride and the cool thing is we are only in the infancy of this tech journey 😀
  • 1
    Thanks! It's amazing but quite scary at the same time - I fear the day when we replace ourselves with artificial developers
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    I am really curious on how languages will evolve in the feature. I cannot thing that they can somehow me come more abstract and programs that took 100 of lines of code can be put together in 10
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    @SirWindfield I can see them reducing the amount of boilerplate code, but I think it'd be incredibly difficult to cut down the code required for the application logic. Having said that, perhaps they thought the same thing when it was mostly assembly.
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    @JohnMWatt that's what I am thinking about too. They probably told themselves how amazing their language was.
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    I believe and hope today's languages, as great as they are, are the 'machine code' of 2035. I think there will be quantum leaps in hardware and software must keep pace.
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    The upward potential is what is so exciting about our industry.
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