At what point can you say you are experienced in x language?

I am consistently looking up function definitions and ... how to... for languages I worked with for years.

I'm not talking like 'how do I loop through data from a database' but something like 'which param goes where for this function'


Friend is wondering if he is a copy/paste dev... :/

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    my ide likes to deal with all the API interfaces / what parameter goes where. does that make my ide a better programmer than me?
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    It depends.

    The language and the core libraries are somewhat interdependent.

    If you know the syntax, I’d say you’re pretty much there.

    For the longest time I’ve avoided calling myself an F# developer, but I’ve started doing some real work on an F# product and realised I do actually know what I’m doing (for the most part).
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    Fake it till you make it?
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    @Shardj I'm trying to figure out the 'made it' point 😂
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    @SyntaxError365 most of us are
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    ‍ I will someday 👁‍🗨
    - Skynet.
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