
Almost got scammed on fucking fiverr,
just created my profile and my two gigs, had some people contact me right away, I got real excited, they asked for my email cuz apparently they could not complete their order without it so I provided them my fake email I used to create my fiverr account, then they provided me a link to enter my payment information and this is where I became sus, they were asking for my fucking card balance, I was like wtf is that shit, then I noticed that the mail was shady asf, then some 2 other mfs sent me an email with a different body.

Thank god I noticed before it was too late, joined fiverr to get bank and instead was gonna get drained, fucking motherfuckers!

  • 3
    how it always goes

    you are here to provide a service to get money, turns out anyone you ever find are all trying to scam money out of you. every ecosystem, every time. where did all the money go then?! uh-oh!
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