
If Python is supposed to be so easy, why do I struggle so badly with it compared to other languages?

  • 2
    maybe you should try with a better course/book?
  • 7
    Most languages have a 'way.' Maybe the Pythonic way is just not compatible with you. It's like Katara trying to learn air bending.
  • 1
    hahaha, air bending, that's a good point!

    I did Python in a university course a couple years ago, now I'm using the Python material on Microsoft Virtual Academy. I haven't used it much since that course, which I'm sure is part of the problem.
  • 2
    when you do serious complex shit, no matter which lang should be hard.
    when you do hello world Python or scriptish high level lang looks simple
    another point depending on is there any good libs for you and samples to copy from;)
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