
Got my first CS internship interview chumps, wish me luck!

  • 1
    How did it turn out? 🙂
  • 1
    @Reffins It starts in an hour! Will post an update afterwords. Thanks for the support 🤓
  • 1
    Good luck!!
  • 1
    How waz it?
  • 1
    Wasn’t prepared for as technical as it was, although it wasn’t entirely unexpected, things like are you working on any projects, what languages do you know, what’s the complexity of merge sort. Overall the questions were pretty easy to answer and I think it went pretty well!

    I was intimidated at the prospect of some of those “why do you want to work here?” Or “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” questions but they seemed to avoid those and really cared about what I know and don’t know.

    Overall the interview with great, thank you all for the support! :)
  • 0
    @Blake glad to here it went well and you're welcome 🙂
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