
The moment you discover that code was not saved correctly and you lost 1h of work

  • 4
    CTRL+s should be your most prominent reflex!
  • 0
    @paranoidAndroid the problem is... I saved. The fact was that it was an azure function and I had the web editor opened in the browser and visual studio connected. The save didn`t make from Vstudio or the web took precedence (even if I didn`t save from there)
  • 1
    I have autosave on in each IDE. If I do missteps then git reset is my friend.

    Also, proper IDE have local history allowing you to restore older content

    If I edit stuff in the browser, I'll make sure to have a form saving extension active (Lazarus).

    That way I barely lose progress.
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    @k0pernikus ok seems to be a plugin issue actually. Just made another try, kept the web side closed, hit some modifications, saved, and reopened the remote code. Changes are not going through.

    and yes, in vsCode I have the auto save too
  • 0
    Auto-save which saves like every fucking keystroke is your friend.
    And also, ctrl s should be in your fingers as you finish every thought.
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