.DS_Store ... Fucking cancer ! i spread everywhere

  • 0
    I have the same thing, there's an app called BlueHarvest that is supposed to help but I haven't bothered to try it yet
  • 2
    @d4ng3r0u5 only thing is ... i dont have mac =_= is co-worker crap
  • 0
    @d4ng3r0u5 BlueHarvest is basically an app the just runs the find command to delete DS_Store files...?
  • 1
    @jak645 how are you getting them? I hope it’s not added in git repos
  • 0
    Also have that. What does that mean?
  • 2
    Global gitignore 😇
  • 1
    Forked filesystem driver that discards write operations to any files with those names, and automatically unlinks them when discovered? 😇

    Honestly, that sounds like something @FrodoSwaggins would do...
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