Hellloo web devs! What IDE are you using?

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    Clion and idea
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    I'm not exactly a veteran web dev, but having worked with it for a couple of years now I keep coming back to Visual Studio Code.

    I find that the more elaborate IDEs have so much functionality to them that tends to get in my way more than being convenient. I remember spending hours setting up WebStorm only to make it stop freaking out over jinja templating and external js frameworks before I realized I'm not using any of its other functionality anyway.

    Maybe they would be better if I just took the time to use them right, but for html and js I can't think of needing more than simple highlighting and baseline linting.
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    JetBrains related IDE mainly, VSCode only when computer struggles with the project :')
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    Jetbrains ide and vscode, emacs sometime
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    I used to just work with Notepad ++ as text editor, now a days I use Jetbrain's PHPStorm and I am very happy with that purchase.
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