Fucking german computer science classes

You get a few UML structograms and have to finish a half finished project. It's the most boring way to learn programming ever. Instead of giving us a task or a project to work on, it's literally translating UML to C#.

Is this what one is gonna do later as a software dev?

  • 0
    That sounds pretty bad. On the job I have never seen unless used in 20 years. All spec are get data display on screen, edit data, delete data, add a couple of pretty charts.
  • 1
    Hey at least you're gonna ace everything UML related in college. That's at least how it was for me. I went to a "informationstechnisches gymnasium" or "technisches Gymnasium mit Profilfach Informatik".
  • 0
    YES! yeah it's getting a bit outdated but...yeah a useful exercise....(imo)
  • 1
    ...further...hell be grateful you have outdated UML whatever, lol
  • 1
    College is nothing like real world development.

    There is no requirements that'll you'll be given while working on projects at a company. Instead you'll sit through three or four meetings that are hours long only to have to write the requirements yourself by sourcing them from people throughout the company.

    I'd personally kill the PM for a UML diagram.
  • 0
    I'm also at a 'Technisches Gymnasium Informationstechnik'. Are you studing at Uni or at a Hochschule? Because I want to study at a 'duale hochschule'
  • 0
    @Thaiminater im at a uni. Sadly I don't know anyone who went do duale Hochschule.
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