
Some users just can't be bothered with updating an app, but will take the time to leave a bitching 1 star review for bugs/features that have been fixed weeks ago. Also, who the hell taught them to report issues through reviews instead of writing an email?

Entitled little fucks!

To be fair, these type of users are outnumbered by all the nice ones, so it's all good, but it still pisses me off! :D

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    Yes it’s entitled, but they’re kinda also right.

    Think about it.

    If your <insert domestic appliance here> arrived and didn’t work properly, and the company said “don’t worry, fixed now, just head on down to the store and trade in for the new one with those things fixed (but other things probably broken)” you’d lose your shit.

    We’ve become so accepting of the idea that it’s okay to ship broken software because we can patch it down the line.

    I know it’s a fairly stretched analogy, but it’s worth considering.

    And yes, there are bugs we don’t anticipate, but this is why rigorous testing is paramount.

    Software is an appliance, it is a machine and good that people buy, they should get a working version on delivery.
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