
My friend told everyone in my school class that i programm...
And now they are asking, can you do this and that and what for specifications should my PC have to run this game...


  • 0
    @vlatkozelka Yes i'm fucked up..
  • 4
    Create a website which tells that and put ads on it == profit!
  • 1
    @vlatkozelka anyone here can in some countries :p
  • 4
    Tell them you’ll help them but you charge for your time, even to answer questions.

    Tell them they wouldn’t ask a doctor questions without expecting to pay so why the fuck would it be different for anything else.

    That’ll keep them from asking and bothering you
  • 1
    Your time is valuable, treat it as such and they will follow.

    If they’re looking for a handout what I previously stated will detour them.
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