
The truth has been spoken

  • 0
    I messed up. 'nuff said.
  • 1
    Pardon the long post, late night & restless...

    An objective mindset is mostly a very common albeit ill documented requirement for a female api or an api that implements one or more of the femaleCharistica interfaces.

    But a too objective mindset, isn't ideal either, as one such often receives malformed responses, usually containing curses.
    ( not to be confused with the applications, often seen in *nix environments.)

    It is advisable to use traits and implement interfaces, to support emotions and usually, romanticism.

    Often times, if prolonged failure to support above mentioned occurs,
    then an ColdHeartedMaleException arises on the female and usually inevitably the male gets flagged as such.

    If that event occurs, then that male's chances with other females, drastically decreases.
    This is particularly true, within the flagging females peer group but also outside of, as the female intuition is often very keen on detecting such flags in males.
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