I had the strangest occurrence today.

Client lost priv key to some ec2 instance.

Sure, I detached the volume, and attached to another instance to go and add a new key to ./ssh/authorized_keys.

Sure thing, I mounted the partition successfully, and then shit happened.

Say I mounted to /mnt/old

It would mount without issue but...

ls -la .

(With /mnt/old as current directory) Would show nothing, as if the directory was empty. df showed it wasn't the case.

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    Weird happened when I actually ran

    ls -la /mnt/old

    For some reason, this command showed the actual contents of the drive...

    I'm still confused as to why ls with a relative path shows as empty and with an absolute path it works fine...
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    @CoreFusionX Strange, maybe it has to do with their virtual drive driver?

    Couldn't you connect using AWS' web connect without unmounting?
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    2 things come to mind:

    - wrong path: i'd try again, but with strace: strace -fv -s9999 ls -la .
    And see if rel path was expanded correctly

    also, what do dir and find say? Does shell behave the same [e.G. for file in ./ ; do echo ${file}; done]

    - san fuckups. Try multiple times, does it still show empty? Maybe one of the san nodes is out of sync or wtv

    or maybe one of the filenames contains VT100 control chars, erasing output? Try ls -la . | wc -c
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    AFAIK you can only use the web shell if you have the systems manager agent running on the instance, which wasn't the case.


    Didn't really push it much further since it worked with absolute so I just replaced the key and handed it over, since that's what was billable.

    I have a snapshot of the volume however and will try your suggestions today on another VM.
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    Well, it was pointless to try your suggestions, because when I replicated the steps, of course it worked as expected so now we'll never know, I guess -.-
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