I get a free year of web hosting from this web developer course I'm taking on Udemy, so I started setting that up and bought my own domain name from GoDaddy with a promo code. But before I can transfer that domain name to the site I'll be using for hosting I have to wait 2 months.

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    You can't point the domain's A record to the IP address of the hosting? Or to the hosting's nameservers? You typically don't need to transfer a domain to another registrar in order to use their hosting.
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    Also, what's the hosting provider?
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    @JMoodyFWD I can, and I did, but I don't understand what that's supposed to do.
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    @JMoodyFWD ecowebhosting.co.uk
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    @Sydochen I haven't used them, but from what I see, here are the steps you should take (some of this you may have already done, so my apologies for the redundancy):

    1.) Create your hosting package, making sure it's created for the domain you'd like to use from GoDaddy.

    2.) Access the cPanel for that hosting account. On the right hand side should be a list of information labeled "Hosting Information". What you need here is "IP address" (note: you shouldn't need the ipv6 address). Copy that IP address.

    3.) Head over to GoDaddy and edit the DNS records for your domain name. Look for the record labeled "@" and edit it. Set the IP address to the one you got off your hosting account.

    Propagation (the process of mapping that record to the destination) usually takes around 15 minutes, but can take up to 2 hours to be available globally.

    If by some chance you set up the hosting account already without your domain name, you "should" be able to rectify that easily. In your cPanel hosting account, head over to add-on domains and add it to the list there, making sure it points to the folder you desire, then do step 3.

    Let me know if that helps get you rocking and rolling.
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