I get serious anxiety when someone is doing something on a computer and I know that the way they are doing it is the slowest way possible.

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    My biggest peeve is my coworkers not using JetBrains stuff. Like come on, they make you so much faster in stuff, they have everything you need baked into the tools, they're well made, and simply the only tools I'm willing to use, unless really needed to. This is the second comment of me shilling JetBrains, but that's just because I genuinely love their tools.
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    @xprnio I love Jetbrains too... But you should really try to not depend on it.
    You nicht very well end up in a situation at some point where you don't have that choice.
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    *pulls out vim*

    omae wa mou shindeiru
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    @xprnio *opens IntelliJ*
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    Visiting your parents must be torture
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    @Selinux it is, and they always pull the age card to try and justify why my way of doing anything is wrong.
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    @PrivateGER bruh
    I use WebStorm (jsfag here) day in, day out. To me, WebStorm is like an AR-15, with Vim being like a chest containing a part of nunchucks, a pair of sai, and maybe a katana to go with them. Vim is awesome, but it's rather something I'd use in the cases where I can't use WebStorm.
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    "No no no, here, let me do that for you"
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