Do I need to learn ember.js before I start to learn node.js?

  • 3
    No, the two are not related in any way whatsoever (save for the fact that both use JavaScript). Node is a backend framework/ecosystem and ember is a front-end framework.
  • 1
    it's absolutly not a bad idea to read into node.js and especially npm before you look into ember, react, vue, angular or what not. A live reload dev server with node is super handy.
  • 0
    @kamen oh OK so it means that if someone who is aiming to become a MEAN stack developer then he will be actually learning 2 front-end framework i.e. Ember and Angular?
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    @heyheni since ember and Angular both are front-end frameworks.
    MEAN = Mongo Ember Angular Node
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    "MEAN" stands for "Mongo Express Angular Node". It'd make no sense to use at once two different frameworks that aim to do the same thing.
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