
Why is it so hard to convice coworkers (other programmers) to use source control? Yes it's an extra step every day or so but it can be so helpful and save so much more time tracking down versions and when the bug first appeared. Also, piece of mind if your computer every gets hosed.

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    people not using source control but updating projects just with FTP are psychopaths. At least if the project is huge and a source control makes sense.
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    I'm terrified by the thought that companies like this exist out there. How do you manage your codebase then?
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    The very first lesson I was taught out of university is "you have to use source control because when it goes tits up you can at least figure out what changed ", God bless my first cto
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    Alot of people dont believe me when I tell them that so many startups dont think twice about some kind of source control solution.
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    I know some ASPx VB programmers who only have the code on their machine, the webserver, and an external drive (however the external drive is at least a few months old)...
    Same with FoxPro, what ever version is currently running in production is the only complete set source...
    $ git commit -m 'automated batch'
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    I don't even consider it an extra step. It is a natural part of my work flow and it should be for other devs too.
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    First time I read something on DevRant and thought WTF?
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