My boss just told me that my next task will be to create a website like amazon... It took me quite a long time to explain why something like that needs a big team and a good amount of money.

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  • 6
    I'd be down if he actually provides the money and the team. :)
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    @burswag Yeah me too.
  • 4
    I feel that the key word here is "like". What is Amazon? A webshop. So - download some webshop plugin, tweak the CSS and be done ;)

    For some reason I think that there will not be a need for all the stuff that handles the sheer scale of Amazon..
  • 1
    Did he understand what you were teaching him?
  • 0
    Oh god. Just spin up Wordpress and buy a theme from themeforest for Woocommerce then fuck-off for a few days, catch some Pokemon, watch some Netflix, then turn it in.
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