
When i was a kid, i used to hate eating celery. Now, i fucking hate Celery.

  • 1
    Ive used this and it’s a total pain in the ass.
  • 1
    I don't agree. Celery is awesome, Celery means the framework Celery here. It's a framework that saved a lot of time
  • 0
    @py2js hmm, i'm not sure what they call it nowadays, but i'm referring to this one http://www.celeryproject.org/

    If we're talking about the same one, do you say it saves a lot of time as opposed to having to offload the task yourself (without a similar framework/app/lib)?

    Or is it just better than the other ones out there, like Django Channels and Tornado?

    Also, did you have prior knowledge of Celery before building your app (so you could build around it)?

    Just curious, hope you'll respond
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