
Async Rust doesn't have a great story for Iterator::map just yet. I wrote a mini-article about it:


  • 0
    Nice article but how did you create your site? Is it just html or do you also use markdown in the back? How do you do the syntax highlighted code blocks? Js or smth server side?

    https://snek.molodetz.nl uses markdown for every chat message and I added support for syntax highlighting. So every message is rendered html server side. It's very decent. You could consider it cached. Original markdown is kept too ofcourse.
  • 1
    @retoor Astro does it all out of the box, and everything is prerendered. The only JavaScript on the page is what I specifically mark to run client-side such as scroll restoration (because the browser only does that if your whole site is scrollable. Yuck!) and relative dates.
  • 1
    and of course fortune.
  • 0
    Fuck, astro. That's exactly what i've built in Python recently. My project renders just markdown and serves it for quick & easy site development. It's the most easy system ever. You can do even inline Python and use it as PHP (output with print statements) and do DB shit IF YOU WANT. But by default, it's only markdown.
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