So my friend texts me with the message, you're smart can you figure it out?

What he sent me was a picture of a post, probably from Facebook which said "skynet is working on making you the next Terminator" with a bunch of bytes following it.

So I decode the first letter using an ascII table and sent it to him, and I get the response WOAH Really!!!

Lol even though it's super simple, it make see feel like 😎.

  • 1
    Can you also post the picture please.
  • 3
    What does it say, I am to lazy to look it up myself 😅
  • 0
    Only got as far as " skynet is excited about..." Then I got lazy and stopped. But if you looked up the bits on a site that converts binary to ascII then you can know the rest lol.
  • 3
    Ah never mind, I am not that interested in the message 🤔
  • 1
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