
nervously waiting to see if you get the layoff email

unfortunately also need to continue working in the meantime

  • 7
    Just Start applying.
    Bet you won't receive a layoff email, but will find a better paid job anyway.
  • 2
    I'm imagining a subtle indexing problem, which will gradually lead to a large, mission-critical database becoming unusably slow in about 2 years' time.
  • 2
    @donkulator 2 years? That's way too far away. Also, it requires a lot of planning.
  • 2
    I've been there because company was bankrupt and all employees that contribute had to stay working. A special type of lawyer did take over the company. Ironically, who management got send home immediately as not being part of people who contribute. So, there you have it stated as a fact and it is shown who the work horses are. People be like "Oh, the manager is so nice.". Being nice is part of their job, you can't be a dick and do nothing at the same time.
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    @TrayKnots it's funny because I ran into an old coworker from a previous place and he was mentioning with how bad the market is, to wait it out before making moves

    Otherwise I survive for now, thanks for the well wishes devrant community
  • 1

    I don't get it. I don't say, quit before you have something new. I just say, send out applications.

    Why would you wait when the market is bad? That's when you start extra early. Because you could assume that you finding something new take a while when the market is bad.

    Just to clarify, you do not need to quit in order to start applying.
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