

Currently I am studying "applied computer science" in Berlin and most of my modules are easy as fuck for me. Most of the time I don't even have to study for the exams. My programming professor even told me that I am the best student in terms of clean/readable code and he was amazed when I handed in on of my homeworks where I used MVC. Today I failed my math exam for the second time. It's the only module that I suck at, mainly because I don't give a fuck about it. I can easily grasp the concept of anything that I am interested in, but if I am forced to learn something my brain just shuts down. I truly fear that I will drop out of university because of math. I am still at my first of three math modules and I don't know how to handle this problem properly, having in mind that I still need to participate in two more modules. The saddest part is that I am not the only one with those problems and fears. I will link a news article of the German newspaper "Tagesspiegel" in the comments.

I know this is neither a rant or a question, but I just wanted to tell you guys about my problems and maybe start a conversation about the importance of math in our modern times and why school's aren't able to teach basic math in a way that young people are excited for it or at least are able to grasp the basic concepts.

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    I have the exact same problem. Last year I did well in all my university computer science courses except in the maths course so I have to repeat it this year. This year I'm just putting more focus on studying maths and doing my best to pass. It's really the only way to get through it. Dropping out isn't feasible for me as the first year is done and paid for and it's just the maths that is outstanding.I've decided to just persevere and study and pass all the maths courses.
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    My coding was great. College and university aced those.

    College I was fine with everything else too (bit iffy on the math)

    University I totally fucking flunked owing to my poor math skills. I didn’t even know how to do matrix arithmetic (had never been taught it).

    Always been bad with numbers.
    My pride / shame stopped me from getting help.

    Can’t say it’s really harmed me career wise, but every now and again I google it to learn as an adult, then I remember how much I hate it and decide not to 😂
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