
Seriously.. Getting job apps rejected because I'm over qualified for the job.

Well, if I wasn't interested In the job and staying if hired, then I wouldn't have had written a tailored application..

  • 3
    I have seen this happen quite often. Hard to get a job if over 40, own a business, been a consultant, or have an advanced degree. I have been on hiring teams and saw many rejected. There is a sweet spot for getting hired. Be between 25 and 39, have 2 to 6 years experience. Don't do consulting or other business.
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    I'm 25, don't have any advanced degree and doesn't have any experience except a few internships.. :)
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    It sounds like they used a canned excuse. I have seen people turned down because they were too confident or on other words "cocky". It might be worth asking them to explain but they probably won't.
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    @lotd are you I. The U.S.? Portfolio?
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    @Jumpshot44 nope, am in the EU. :)
    My portfolio tends to be my github repo and usually a few hand picked samples send as an attachment :)

    Atm i don't have an online portifolio or curriculum.. Should I make one? :p
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    Some say you should make a website and blog on something like medium. I am doing the blogging but have not made the website. People assume you must have a linked in profile but I find linked in so boring and I never get decent leads from it.
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    Jesus, so I have a short window of opportunity to get into this career...
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    The business is so fickle that it is impossible to please all. I say try to write clean maintainable code, know couple of backend languages, be able to work with databases and know a JavaScript framework that is popular. Just do the right thing and consider interviews practice.
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    Just started learning JavaScript about a week ago. Think I have a reasonable grasp of bootstrap and have been using it to make much better looking sites than I used to. I just hope I can get job ready in six months. Want to leave manual labor for good!
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    @phoenixbyrd you can. Have you thought about doing an internship? Perhaps unpaid. That is what I did to get started.
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    I haven't thought of that, married with three kids and a fourth on the way. Only one who works. Don't think unpaid will fly with the wife. Learning through freecodecamp, they set you up with a non profit to build your portfolio.
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