
How the fuck is that a thing.

I understand when you're application requires a lock file. But put it in temp. I get it, you want it user specific. You can put it still in temp. Just add the user to the lockfile's name.

Don't put it in the config. Yea, had to reboot without letting my applications close properly. After a reboot, a lockfile should be automatically removed.

Here's an idea, if you're really that terrified of leaking the information, that the application is in use, to other users of the computer, which could probably just look at the processes to figure that one out, check the lock file's last modified timestamp and compare it with the uptime.

Because, it is just annoying when I reboot the computer and I cannot start the application because the fucking lockfile is still there.

Looking at you, datagrip. I really need to find a good open source alternative for my databases.

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