coming back from monday OoO to this email chain from user 1. "hey i get an error please help" 2. cc teammate 3. cc my boss. 4. cc his boss. 5. meeting between him and someone on a different team who'll 'take care of it'
Get pinged in slack before i even sit down 'please help'
"hey man, whats the error?"
'oh i get a java exception in $application_completely_unrelated_to_anything_weve_ever_worked_together_on and you've fixed errors like this for me before can you do your magic . #bro

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    Reply the answers in the same thread. Let others know you worked on this solution.
    And make twirky statement to him in email while reply.
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    God himself want to kill him °_°
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    @zokazavevu my first meeting was about the unsuccessful meeting with the other team's guy who bit on his email and how long story short, they upgraded their app and the middleware in spetember, never touched it, have a deadline friday, and expect us to drop everything and shoehorn them in. mostly because 'its a java exception and you can fix a java exception'
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    @heytimmy good luck bro.
    May your soul and anger rest in Java.

    Psst I hate Java.
    Seriously I hate those guys with minor issues of their system environment.
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