Week : 74 ( Year 1 )

How is the weekend going?

What something do 99% of people do wrong but have no idea?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/12949770

  • 3
    Coding 😁 j/k.

    Reading news and unfiltered spreading it without critical thinking. Even if they show a picture in the news paper of dead birds under a windmill, I don't believe these things kill birds. Why would it be fatal. Ever seen one smashing into a window? It's fine, and that's on full power.

    I do often follow the American news tho, i care less about that. Kinda soap.
  • 1
    Disaster recovery.

    Win 11 Pro BSOD'ed && managed to knock down my other OS. Both became FUBAR so reinstalling all the things from scratch.

    Also upgraded HW w/ better CPU && added more RAM.
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