I've been teaching my brother basic front-end development stuff. He's good. Seeing this, I decided to put him into a real project. So I got one, a simple front-end project. But the project managers are assholes and requesting stupid things. Thus, my brother didn't complete it before deadline. I don't know what to do now. I can't help my brother because I don't have enough time. I am very furious as I want to leave the project and fuck the manager over. What should I do?

  • 11
    If you have the money to stand up for your blood then go ahead man. Shit if your bro is good you may be able to start your own business with him. Assholes like those managers will be everywhere and if you want to give your bro a career opportunity then I will be the first to congratulate you!
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Yeap, that's the ultimate goal. But before that, I want him to get better though.
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