
while (1) {
echo “Im Bored”;

  • 5
    That's a "I'm bored" infinite loop... Not even an exit condition!?

    It gets better.... If not just crash life... That should give something...
  • 0
    @mmcorreia yes im bored infinitely through out my life and the only exit if anyone stopped the program which is death

    Jk, im just really bored right now
  • 1
    Just found out that division by 0/NULL creates a infinite loop in PHP.
    I think I'm using 7.2.3, can't remember.
  • 2
    So... Nothing with your life?
    Considering that code will never have an output as PHP code is completely evaluated first and then js and HTML are implemented.
  • 1
    @VTCoder exactly my friend, you’re pointing out my life is an endless loop and nothing i do will ever be change the value of my existence.

    Jk, im just really bored right now
  • 1
    Dude. Thats an infinite loop that is created by yourself and you know it at some point it will crash.

    So to avoid that add an exit and add go to or travel commands or jump into something interesting.

    Or just its Monday blues.
  • 1
    @olback you can report a bug
  • 0
    @zokazavevu you cant stop this loop called life to crash, everyone will die some day
  • 3
    I just love the effort you put in that indentation. 😁
  • 1
    @suprano its not everyday that i use spaces over tabs, thank you
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