
I came to work when and found out the boss had fucked up:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/important_HDD_for_VMs

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    Wow he did that on purpose, didn't he? I mean why else would you enter a command like that? Wtf?
    Even though a boss should never have access to anything....
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    @pain It was something he read on SO
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    Boss does that, nothing happens to him. You do that, you are fired faster than this command finishes its execution.

    more over, I am sure he is not even the guy who has to clean up his mess... although - he cleand up pretty well :D
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    @Rohr Well, he also risks loosing a bunch of valuable clients on it; it’s a small company. He also lost me, which is pretty critical since I was the only sysadmin.

    After I left he hired me as a consultant instead. That means that the contract is on my terms and a much higher price.

    Luckily though all hard disks are in raid 5, so it wasn’t the worst disaster.
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    @devs phew ... Sounds he brought himself quiet close to the edge of a cliff...
    Glad that backup mechanisms worked - although ... You have to explain how you wrote to a single member of a raid... usually only the virtual disk is presented to the os 🤔

    (And while writing ... You are using a software raid aren't you? :] )
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    @Rohr There is both some hardware and software raid. It was how it was when I came in.

    Actually the back solution works quite well, but everything else in that company is a mess. No disaster plans either and primarily half finished documentation on the servers.

    Usually I start writing a fairly detailed documentation for new servers. Then next week he changes things without correcting the docs
  • 1
    How do you even...?
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