
Worse than seeing people that are not familiar with vim trying to exit it, is people that want to save a file and press Ctrl + S

  • 1
    Wait saving a file in VIM and using Ctrl + S or saving a file in general and using Crtl + S?
  • 1
    @jhh2450 probably VIM cause ctrl + s can come in handy in some editors
  • 1
    @Koppaster It's sure as hell easier than using the mouse to save a file lol
  • 1
    I’m really not sure I follow this one, that’s pretty much the standard save keyboard shortcut, no?
  • 0
    :x <--- use this
  • 0
    @jhh2450 yea I use it always basically xD
  • 2
    Good luck saving a file in vim with ctrl+s 😎
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