I really should start using a password manager but I have no idea what one to choose, anyone have any input?

I'm thinking 1Password at the moment

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    I need a free one too
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    I made my own, runs on Windows only, requires SQL Server (can be done on Docker though)

    I also made an Android app for it, but the thing is it has zero security other than requires login to the app + all is encrypted and the key is hard coded. It is good enough for my needs but for sure not good enough for hosting online, it all runs on a webservice and the apps are just clients to fetch data
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    @gitpush that sounds pretty cool, I thought about doing something like that myself but I've never made an android app 😅
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    @dawei I rarely use it lol but it is also hard coded to connect only to my laptop IP and I only use mobile app at home, cuz I'm not even using https for requests between my laptop and the app lol
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    Safe in Cloud Pro
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    I use lastpass.
    It allows you to add save usernames and passwords, add comments, add tags. Filter your websites into folders. It has an Android app (don't know about iOS) and it's working great for me so far
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    @AlpineLinnix yeah I definitely am not planning to go with lastpass anytime soon!
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    Frigging friggg... Any cloud manager steals your passwords! Use a local F/OSS manager. KeePass 2 is pretty good.
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    KeePass2 too
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    I was about LastPass an any other cloud-*based* manager
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    Algo's fault :/
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