Vuejs is great. I havent read any of the docs, only the first part of how to make components, and pretty sure i just hackes shit together but i now have a working site. It just speeds everything up, unlike fucking angular lol.

  • 0
    @Hu-bot0x58 i feel sorry for you
  • 2
    Learning curve low, medium and high respectively:
    VueJS, ReactJS and Angular
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    @PhilWerman flaw ? Ts is so nice to develope
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    @PhilWerman indeed, the problem that TS tries to solve actually does not exist.

    The language uses weak types, so there is no reason to force strong types, if you want to validate types, tools are a better option.

    Another thing is TS generates JavaScript but JavaScript is not this unreadable or low that you would need to do that. Even rebuilding systems for interfaces etc. is not that hard to write in raw JavaScript. So why use TS?!
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    @Hammster "if you want to validate types, tools are a better option". Isn't typescript exactly that?
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    @host127001 typescript uses its own js flavor to do that for raw js, or you transpile ts to js.

    Other tools use JSdoc comments
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    @Hammster for me typescript is just the perfect tool to get typechecks into js.
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    @host127001 wouldnt https://flow.org be exactly your need instead? TS is more then type checking
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    @Hammster for me typescript is better since it has better tooling for it.
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    Started learning Vue as well, very impressed, and nativescript Vue support is great as well.
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