When you spend two hours explaining your client why they can't use for their website that logo they picked from Google Images.

  • 5
    There is only one type of person worse than one that thinks $5 (or even $20, $50, $100) is fair to pay for a logo design ... one who thinks it should be free.
  • 6
    2hrs?! Did they not hear the words "thousands of dollars in law suits" and not immediately realise?!
  • 0
    @sgorneau honestly I'd rather be asked to do one for free than be offered £10. Free says "I have no money", £10 says "I have money but don't want to spend it on this."
  • 0
    @pyrotazz no, they didn't. That's the most frustrating part.
  • 2
    let them have it and hope that someone complains.

    some people only speak $$
  • 1
    @raffaele I'm so sorry you had to deal with that level of idiot :(
  • 1
    @pyrotazz today they even told me: "a local newspaper asked me for an article on my company. Can you give me the vector file for the image I gave you?" (the low-res from Google Images, stolen from some crappy website)
    Still laughing, hope I get rid of them soon
  • 0
    @LMCodes in this case, I meant free as in "theft".
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