
I fucking hate Angular. I don't know man I've been using NoScript since my balls dropped and I feel like JavaScript is fucking useless (I like Typescript syntactically though).

What drives me nuts is all the frameworks: Think of a word, add .js, search it up... it's theeeeere.

I know I'm not the only one who fucking hate JS, and I don't think there are many people who genuinely love it. Sorry I just wanted to rant and it's 5 a.m.

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    I mean even Google isn't using Angular in any of its main services (since I last checked so correct if I'm wrong).

    Sometimes I feel like all these frameworks and trends are there as commercial dog food to sell books and events and courses.
  • 11
    The thing is. Js is a necessity since it is forced upon us. But there are many things that the language does very right and it is constantly evolving into a powerful platform.

    If you would have told me 8 years ago that I could use it to build desktop or mobile apps I would have believed you crazy, but such is the case and we have it in many areas.

    Try getting to know more about the language and figure out other frameworks, can't blame you for disliking Angular since everyone has their own preferences and there ain't nothing bad about that. But check out React or Vue, even Mithril if you have a choice in frontend frameworks and see if it fits the bill for what you as re doing.

    Yeah the language is quirky and incredibly complex, i know it wouldn't replace some of my other tools. But once learned properly it will be better for ya.

    Dont fret bud. It will be allright.
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    @AleCx04 a good implementation of JS is in electron which is cool, one thing I dislike about it is the app size. If electron apps used a global Chromium that'd be great, I'm using Atom, VS Code, and Github Desktop, and I wish they took less space.

    The reason I attacked Angular specifically is because of a job I applied for as a .NET developer, the company wanted .NET devs with knowledge in Angular which seemed ok to learn but just felt unnecessary to me in the process. Everytime I read something I thought "Why? I already do this with ASP.NET WebAPI. Why would I clone a Model I already have in my Back-end? Why do Authentication on the Front-end when the user can easily disable JS, it's just arbitrary, etc...".
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    @lolicon users do not disable js devs do..
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    @noogli I'm sorry but you're wrong. Many "power" users, paranoids and privacy concerned people are disabling JS. I didn't know jackshit about being a dev when I started using NoScript.
  • 5
    Best framework still: http://vanilla-js.com/


    But seriously. I've made an admin panel when this hype wasn't really out and I had a ton of fun.
    Now having a 90% complete Blogging-Site made with Vue and Bootstrap and the most fun was in making css animations and the backend (flask).
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    ++ for the username :p
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    The problem is that people got too excited by what they could do, they never stopped to ask if they should.
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    @lolicon oh there are benefits here and there, but even as I like Angular I can't blame someone for not liking it since it has a lot of issues. What you mentioned is true, it practically clones your entire backend and forces you to write 2 applications instead of one. And for the most part everything that can be done from the backend you end up having to rewrite with Angular. Even if all you want to do is API calls and shit it still feels like a mammoth of a framework. Not only that. But a lot of people are still stuck on legacy 1x instead of migrating to new versions of the framework. Typescript is nice, but adds learning curve to an already big framework. So i get you man I really do :)
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