Do you use windows in your office? Me? Yes unfortunately 😩 PC and OS company provided

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    Yep and there’s nothing wrong with it tbh. Doesn’t hinder me at all in any web development tasks
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    And unactivated one at that *sigh*
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    Could choose my preferred Linux distro :)

    Windows not allowed, Mac maaaaaaybe but rather not.

    I chose Mint 😊
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    Oh and company issued laptop runs Kubuntu! KDE ❤
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    @MikeyAlder how about cron jobs and slow docker for windows? Do you have SSD in your windows machine?
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    @J-2FA haha blue screen of doggie 🙃
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    @Devnergy WSL is the solution to everything. 🧐🐱‍💻
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    Unfortunately, yes. But I'm using a Linux VM that runs all the time side by side
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    Yes and we love it... Of course IF possible would be better to let you choose the OS and not force you one (valid for all os: linux, mac os or Windows)
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    @J-2FA oh yes, i think i can remember last time i saw it, about 10 years ago on windows xp... But on the other hand last year i had tbe pleasure to enjoy few black screens on colleagues macbooks
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    @J-2FA never saw it ... actually I saw 2 on win7, but once was faulty ram and once faulty hdd
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    @J-2FA not only me, but all the company, thousand people ... you need just good hw, driver and sw, not cheap/crappy ones. most of times it's not Windows fault
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    Everyone at work users OSX.
    MacBook Airs for all.
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