
'Tim Berners-Lee invented the internet 25 years ago today.' If I hear that BS one more time..... #ffs

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    In the US they're saying its Al Gore... :)
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    He helped bring it to the masses. Many others played a part. If not for them making it easier for regular people to enjoy the Internet we would still be using listservs, Archie, Veronica and maybe some cutting edge ascii 'art' - you get it. There would be thousands of people up here instead of billions.

    The forefathers helped give devs the opportunities we now have and the ability to impact the world.
  • 2
    @spl0 Gore invented the 'information highway' 😉
  • 1
    email existed before the internet too! TBL didn't invent the internet he invented the www...

    US Govt invented the internet.
  • 2
    Specifically ARPAnet I believe.
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    Interesting. Did networks other than ARPAnet use TCP/IP?
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    @MicroNibble Thanks for the info - I'll look at that!
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    I'm fairly sure Tim Berners Lee invented the web, not the internet
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