
Burned out of life and forced to exist in a cell? I guess 🤷‍♂️

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    If you're long enough in a cell you'll find enlightenment / happiness. I lived a while in solitary and became very happii. Moving from city to village in middle of nowhere wasn't my preference but thank god it happened. Stupid cities, nest of rats.
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    @retoor I don't really mean a metaphorical cell, but quite a literal one
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    @iiii me too.
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    @retoor You too are talking about VERY different cells, so while you're correct to some degree it doesn't apply to him
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    @retoor btw, i haven't yet received enlightenment, but even more nihilism than before. What am I doing wrong?

    Though i do agree about big cities. Not the best place to exist.
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    @iiii let's describe the cell first so we understand eachother. Include a picture if you have to.
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    @retoor a 4x5m room where I exist approximately 90% of the time, when I'm not in the kitchen or bathroom.
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    @iiii I live in exactly this: https://chaletbouwhavelte.nl/nieuw-...

    Some people consider that a cell. But this 'house' in the middle of nowhere far away from people I know and having youtube subscription not having to watch any advertisements and such made me completely calm and enlighten. I lived in city before. I love this 'house'. I will be grateful for this house and park forever. It restored me. I was in a very bad state when i started to live here. I thought never to recover, but as it seems now - maybe a 100% recovery is even possible! I have faith. ALso this place, when i came to live here, people from church came and I had a real welcome community. They realized that I came alone here and often visited and one of the people became one of my best friends and my main down to earth advisor. It happened because I am baptized and donated church for years. My parents said that me and my brother had to donate charity long ago and we didn't pick so he did.
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    This one to be exactly, but mine already exist around ten years or so: https://chaletbouwhavelte.nl/nieuw-...
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    @retoor that small house looks nice. If not cluttered with stuff it can be somewhat spacious.
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    @iiii it has very nice interior. I have four beds in it, it's officially a vacation home for two parents and three kids. But in reality I wouldn't want to live here with two persons even. For one person, I don't want something else!
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    @retoor bunk beds? or foldable?
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    @iiii I couldn';t find the exact setup i have, but if you want to see the most cozy stuff ever, google images for "chalet beds inside". Mine does not look like that sadly, mine is more practical.

    The beds are like the one on the right in this picture and in it's own room. This chalet has 4 rooms in total. It's one 1-person bunkbed and one 1 person normal bed and a room with 2 person bed where I sleep. My bed is almost as big as the room. No, my room is almost as small as the bed :P I fantasized about this as kid but in my fantasy the bed was way bigger :P
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    @retoor isn't that a sort of bunk bed? i have something similar in my room
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    @iiii yeah, I mentioned. Here, picture. It's my dressing room. So on the right a bunk bed and on left a normal bed. I keep my stuff that I don't need daily there. Redundant chairs for example, they're to nice to store outside in garden house. This house is including furniture. Since it's not mine I can't really throw stuff away or let it fit outside
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    @retoor this is mine. Takes maybe 1/3 of the space. And also animals (two medium dogs and one cat) take a third of it when I sleep 🫠
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    @iiii where do you live? Are you student?
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    @retoor that's my home and I'm far from a student
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    @iiii so in what country they live in cells?
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    @retoor Ukraine?
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    @iiii nah, stayed long in Lviv, many had decent house in size. Also, as software developer in Ukraine you live as fucking God right? My coworkers did.
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    @retoor my apartment is larger than one room. i don't have anything to do in the other rooms. and i'm not that rich. dunno who your coworkers were
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