Rant about myself. When in a group situation where there is a very dominant coworker either related to skill or status with management. I always start out contributing ideas but after realizing my ideas are dumb or just dismissed I stop trying and just fade into the background and do what I am told. I also become detached from the project and start putting my energy into learning or side projects. I feel like such a wimp and pushover. I get told I don't have passion.

  • 6
    Why would you say your ideas are dumb? They are probably useful but a coworker is allowed to dominate the meeting/project.
    I have often found people dominating meetings are not so smart. Not always but quite often. Everyone should be heard.
  • 6
    It's a pretty common thing for people on my team to start saying an idea then stop themselves because they think it won't work. We've found that we should always finish the idea because even if it won't work, it leads us to other ideas that will. It's brainstorming, really. We can't be right 100% of the time!
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    The only thing that matters is whether you feel that way too. Do you?
  • 3
    @manrock007 No I felt I was right because we were building software for an industry I had worked in prior to programming. Most of the time they would come back 6 months later and say I was right. I would suggest they talk to potential users if they had doubts.
  • 2
    @georgelynch then that's the only thing that matters.. Believe in yourself.. And if people are being pricks to you, see the HR!
  • 1
    2 things:

    1) It's unlikely any idea will be the finished article. Voicing it may make you think of improvements or variations or motivate others to do that. Then it should become a shared idea.

    2) Don't take being shot down (especially if the reasons are justified) so personally. Sometimes certain ideas won't work for your project or business. Often more experienced or senior people can see this more easily than they're given credit for. Just fine tune your idea.
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