Why the fuck do people learn a framework if they don't even know the fucking most basic knowledge about the language.

Every fucking JS dev should know what the fucking toString result of a function object is! Thats like second page JS book stuff.

Even for Facebook groups this is a horrible question.

  • 2
    In addition to that, don't fuck with copyright years via client side code, do it in the served markup ....Scrub.

    Also i helped him with an non-rant awnser and adviced him to read "you-dont-know-js"
  • 1
    I am trying to understand why he is checking if it's after 2010 for what seems to be the footer copyright anyway
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    @JoshBent i have no idea, this made me cry in the corner. If i did saw it i would have thought this was fake, but he's dead serious
  • 0
    I don't get it. This is not even close to getting an element value. It's pure nonsense or I'm missing something?
  • 1
    @craig939393 he is trying to do it in vue. The templating that uses the method is pretty close to handlebars evaluating by <div>{{currentYear()}}</div> but that individual tried <div>{{currentYear}}</div>
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