Last year, we had to do a big university project in randomly selected groups (5-6 students in every group).Three of the five guys were completely useless, I mean, both the other competent guy and me wrote around 20,000 lines of code each, the other ones wrote around 500 lines of code (combined).
After our first few meetings we quickly knew that we have to give them a small task which was so trivial that not even they can fuck it up. But we were wrong. Oh boy, so wrong.
They simply had to code the excel export of the data, which means they had to use two functions from a library and pass the correct data. But their solution was so bad, I lost faith in humanity and was fascinated by it at the same time.
For example, there was this simple class "Room", which had a few properties like size or number of seats and a few getter/setter etc. That was a core class and written by the other qualified guy. So how did the others fuck up the excel export? They somehow rewrote that class in German (although the other code was completely in English), implemented a function for each property that would write its value to a hardcoded cell in a hardcoded excel file.
And this was just the tip of the iceberg. Needlessly to say that I had to rewrite the whole export in the night before we had to present the project.

  • 4
    Can't even think of trusting anybody
  • 5
    I would git blame the whole project and show it to the teacher so that they see who did all the work
  • 4
    @D3add3d Teachers nowadays know how to read them?
  • 2
    @vicary yea... you are probably right, they don't
  • 1
    I don't want to judge your situation as details of essence might be different but I've been through that and I realized that how on earth someone completely new to coding should know the difference between classes with only get/set and logic for export? I saw that is naturally and instinctively to put the logic where data is.
    Just my 2 cents.
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