MySQL Workbench - User friendliness at its worst.

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    Slow also
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    Yeah it sucks but what else is there to use in Linux.

    No not phpmyadmin ;)
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    Uninstalled some time ago after the known bug they had where you had to open multiple connections to a db on Sierra so it wouldn’t hang and never complete a query. Been using dbeaver since and really like that one.
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    @qwerty1337 yeah, once I got so pissed I wanted to develop one with my colleagues. Obviously that's too much of development time outside of our agenda. Our company has paid for 5 licenses of SQLyog. So I ran a windows VM just to use it.
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    Darn and here i thought real devs used cli, even mycli, and if you are too hipster for that datagrip.
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    @jpichardo we don't have time for it with all the workload we have. Otherwise I'm more than glad to use the MySQL extension on vscode that can easily run queries
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    @greenscar oh shut i didnt remember that, yeah thats what ive been using lately
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