
Great finaly get away on vacation 2weeks of just realaxing, 30min before leaving to the airport i get a sms from my server one of my main hard drives fail. No problem just need to swap the drive and start the recover at the airport.
At the airport i connect to my home vpn and start the recovery everything works fine just need to restart the server when done ~12h. next day im in the hotell and my vpn does not accept my connection, okey might be the hotell that block vpn connections i try my external vpn and it works and i try to connect home when i get a lovley text from my server "login attempt has failed from ip:x" then it hits me i have forgotten to add to whitelist. Outsmarted myself to just let i be.
So i finally get 2 weeks off and nothing i can do about it.

  • 4
    6 hours before departure for vacations, my VPS decided to full its disk with partial backups. I was too lazy to ssh so i upgraded the VPS.
  • 3
    @deadpool88 totally the right thing to do, time is precious, and vacation time is priceless!
  • 0
    @ThomasRedstone yea yea yea yea
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