
WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. What is this dude talking about?! What am I doing with my life?!?!
Test what? What do I have to do? I didn't study this. I don't know what this API thing is. My life sucks. My job sucks. I suck. I'm stupid, because apparently knowing who or what this API is is essential for being a normal part of society.
I don't even.. oh someone pls kill me.
(No I don't want a detailed explanation what I have to do - I know this is not google and i wont understand it anyways and my husband will torture me with it in the afternoon. Just some sympathy for a finance person who has to deal with this would be nice)

  • 5
    I thought our rants are legit, but your's ma'am are over 99999 level.
  • 6
    You need to learn developing restful api interfaces to be able to do your work. heck you need to know how to do this to be able to brush your teeth in the morning.

    don't worry, i'll teach you.
  • 6
    This seems like the wrong task for a finance person. How come you are tasked with it?
  • 0
    @Elkstorm small company, and I'm charged with everything thats not simple.. And somehow I became the computer person..
  • 0
    @ursa I get it. But it's still a bit of a stretch. "Computers" is loads of different fields that require their own separate training if the staff is supposed to be reasonably happy and productive. Best of luck. You might need it :)
  • 0
    @ursa that's 100% bullshit on the part of your company. Are they paying you for multiple rolls that don't crossover?
  • 2
    @sgorneau good joke :D
  • 1
    @ursa job interview something like this?
  • 0
    GL HF :)
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