Now that kiki has taken the L from their "Starve to death challenge"

I wanna start my own "STARVE To DEATH challenge"

I am gonna start the day with a bowl of milk and cereal, two apples and a protein shake.

Then for lunch I'm gonna eat a double cheese crust pizza with diet coke (duh)

For dinner I'm gonna eat a big bowl of mac and cheese and then before sleeping, I am gonna eat ice cream.

Good plan, right?

  • 0
    What means taken the L? She dead?
  • 3
    That’s four to five times what I eat in a day. I realize that’s the joke, but still!
  • 0
    Sid making his protein shake in the morning:
  • 1

    don't worry I'll be gentler with your wife than this.

  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I just think that exercise tool is hilarious. What is funny is watching news segments on youtube that talk about it.

    So when I see gimmicky stuff like this I think: "that looks very shake weighty". Meaning it has dubious value in my mind.
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